Make a gift today to help deliver lifesaving medicine, training, and support to health workers and families facing COVID-19 and other devastating health crises. Many health care workers have not been vaccinated and are living with unimaginable stress and fear. Your donation matters.
Educate a deserving poor child, girl or a boy from a rural background. Every little education received by a poor boy or girl multiplies into a manifold future benefits for the society and world at large.
What we plan each child today defines the destiny of the society at large in the future. It is important that we help to shape the future of a child by helping them identify and plan their life through life planning programmes at our centres.
Youth have the potential to be change agents. But the rural youth need opportunities and support for their education and livelihood. Help them for a career, job placement and livelihood initiatives.
Rural women need to be empowered so that they become independent and can play an equal and vital role in the decision making in the families and educating their children and in the reconstruction of the society.
There are many children and youth who still dropout from school and are unable to complete their education or go for a decent jobs. So be part of the movement to bring back the children back to School and to make them complete their schooling and motivate them to pursue higher education.